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Choice Map Success Stories: Your Ultimate CoPilot

August 21, 2024

This series highlights real member success stories with Choice Map.

“Hey Siri, get directions to financial freedom”

Sometimes knowing where to start is, more than, half the battle. With the help of some road trip essentials; a great copilot and an easy-to-read map, getting where you want to go has never been simpler.

Our Personal Advisor became the copilot for a long-time member who felt lost in a tide of bills. She confessed that her spending compass had gone awry, leading to detours on food and miscellaneous splurges.

Our Personal Advisor charted a new course, suggesting the member map out a budget journal to track her expenditures, and set a spending itinerary—a weekly allowance with no detours into credit territory.

They also helped her plot a course to save for her hobbies with a Target account, reassuring her that it’s okay to enjoy the journey, as long as it’s within the budget’s boundaries.

Back on the road

Spotting an opportunity for relief, they consolidated her credit card balances, reducing her monthly payments from a mountainous $600 to a manageable $200.

With regular check-ins scheduled to keep her on track, the member felt like she had found her financial north star. She even left a glowing 5-star review, crediting the Personal Advisor for helping her chart a solid path toward her goals.

Maybe these stories feel familiar – or maybe you’d like to write your own? Let’s connect. We’ll meet you wherever you are today and chart a path toward a brighter tomorrow.