With the New Year Comes a New GetBigReward$ Program
New and exciting changes are coming to our GetBigReward$ program effective January 1, 2023.
Qualifying members will receive $12 each month, paid out monthly starting January 31, 2023. Members won’t need to wait until the end of the year to receive their credits! Plus, GetBigReward$ members will still be eligible for the 10% annual loan interest rebate*.
The new way to qualify for GetBigReward$ is to make 20 plastic transactions with your Community Choice Debit and/or Credit Mastercard® AND have incoming direct deposits of $300 or more each month. Plus, members MUST have one additional qualifier from the following:
- Loan balance (Any Amount)
- Total Available Month-End Balance of $3,500+
- Choice Checking
This means our tiered levels (Emerald, Gold, Silver, and Copper) will be going away, but the rewards are even bigger! Now, every member is eligible to earn that $12 each month by maintaining the qualifying products and services. Think of what you can do with that additional $144 annually!
Members will notice the elimination of their GetBigReward$ (share 99) account when they log into their account in the New Year. Members can follow their existing 2022 GetBigReward$ status in e-Banking until then.
Contact us or visit GetBigRewards.com with questions and an early Happy New Year to everyone!
*Loan Interest Rebate is determined annually by the Board of Directors. In 2013-2021, a 10% rebate was given on loan interest paid on qualifying loans.