Digital Wallet Security
A digital wallet makes checkout quick and safe while shopping in person and online.
A cheaper turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing is just one of many signs that price increases are moderating, which is good news for borrowers, and the economy in general.
Admittedly, it has been a tough few years for aspiring homebuyers. The good news? There are still opportunities to realize the dream of home ownership.
Looking toward a future of opportunity and quality means establishing good financial habits to follow throughout life.
Placing a down payment is one of the most common barriers for buying a home, especially for first-time homebuyers. Updates to Michigan’s assistance program are making a real difference.
Let’s celebrate the 75th anniversary of International Credit Union Day by highlighting 75 reasons to join a credit union.
Just as important as building a strong financial profile is protecting it, and in many ways that can be even harder for members. Let’s refer to our Choice Map for guidance.
Simplifying our life sounds like such a wonderful goal, but often feels easier said than done. Fortunately, simplifying your financial life can be easier than you think with the help of Community Choice and Choice Map.
The federal student loan payment pause is soon expiring. In addition to the new federal repayment arrangements that may make your student loan debt easier to manage, Community Choice is here for you.
The federal student loan payment pause that began as an interest-free payment in March 2020 is soon expiring. Once it does, anyone with student loans will begin accruing interest in September 1 with the first set of payments due in October.